Range Rover Club Victoria

Payments & Renewals

Our membership interaction (joining and renewals) are almost exclusively managed online. However, there are some members that can't or choose not to use this facility. For those people, we can arrange payments in the more traditional manner.

Annual Fees:

  • Standard Annual Membership is  $146.00 - there's also a joining fee of $155 for new members
  • Senior Annual Membership is $102.00 - Only applicable if you have been in the club more than 15 years and are over 65 years of age.


Existing members will receive an invoice during the renewal process. Simply act on that or click on the link in the bottom right of the website (need to be logged in)

General interaction:

We are a volunteer organisation so anything you can do to keep our admin load down is appreciated. 

In order of preference:

  1. Fully automated online - Join or renew online, and use our secure online payments as part of the process.
  2. Partly automated - Join online, and select "Send me and invoice". Existing members will automatically receive one.
    Then check out the payment options below.

    If you cannot access your account online contact Kenny Macleod for assistance. (web_admin@rangeroverclub.org.au or 0421 952 540).

  3. Manual/Support - If you are helping someone without an internet connection, contact our Membership Secretary, either by email or in person at the club meeting. 

Note: If you're heading off on a club trip that ends after the 1st of July, it's important to renew membership before you leave.  This is because, without a valid (paid) membership you will not be insured.


Once joined/renewed; if not paying online, our preference of payments are:
  1. Bank transfer (preferred) - you need to include enough details so we know who paid. 
  2. Credit card in person or by phone
  3. Cash at a meeting
  4. Cheque (only if no other options are possible - note that it may take up to 2 months for us to receive and bank a cheque)

Here's our bank details for those without credit cards

  • Bank Transfer
    Account Name: Range Rover Club of Victoria
    BSB: 083-091
    Account Number: 123-460- 699
    NOTE: It's your responsibility to make sure we know you have paid. So please put your full name (and preferably Club Membership Number) as the payment reference.
  • Note: we suggest that you don't post anything unless there's no alternative. - if you post your payment or form to our PO Box, we might not see it for a few weeks, which means we may not get a payment in time. See our address at the contacts page

Some advice, if required:

    • Once logged in, get to your Profile by clicking your name at the top left of the web page.  
      If you don't know your password, reset it here 
    • Some members are unsure on how to renew via the website - here's step-by-step instructions.

      If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Membership Secretary at memberships@rangeroverclub.org.au

      Copyright Range Rover Club Victoria

      Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software